
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2018

Reflection 7

Before yesterday I didn't really pay attention to that because I took it as a normal thing but after just looking at my 3 years old sister coping with our tablet without any help I realized how amusing is that. On the one hand, it's such an insane thing for me to comprehend that child this age could manage YouTube on her own, but on the other hand, I think in our times it's not such an unusual thing anymore. After looking at my sister behavior while she was watching those cartoons on YT I came to the conclusion that this isn't the best thing for children. Parents clearly aren't paying much attention to their kids when they are just watching cartoons because they can handle it on its own. However, that leads to children watching basically everything they want. They don't have any kind of filter, they are just clicking on anything that seems interesting for them. By giving those small kids the ability to use the internet as they please we also lose control of ever

Reflection 6

I recently watched a really interesting video about personalities and in fact about who we really are. But what surprised me the most was what the psychologist said and the very end of the clip. There is something called Free Traits theory according to which for example introverts can and do act out of the character basically just to fit in. Sometimes this action is very crucial to our life projects which every human being has. It can be our profession or other kinds of stuff but in order to fulfill them, we have to act. I think it's very sad that sometimes those situations cause introverts to act protractedly out of character. The society and their current situation force them to keep acting in a specific way and it only leads them to not taking care of themselves. As a result of that, they can't really be themselves and they can't really know their true self. I think it's really tragic that they can't actually do anything about that.

Reflection 5

The recent reflection came to my mind was while I was watching a video about how Victorians and Edwardians edited their photographs to have a tiny waist. For me, it was very interesting to see that even back then for people it was really important to be fashionable or fit into the beauty standards. What's more, that way of thinking hasn't really changed. People are still trying to set impossible to follow trends that only make normal people feel ugly and unattractive. Most women feel insecure about their body and appearance because they don't look like celebrities or famous people with a ton of plastic surgeries. This only causes teenagers and also grown-ups to fallow those unhealthy diets based on staring yourself. All of that only to fit in and look like a model on the cover of the magazine which was probably edited 100 times just like those photographs in the 19th century.

Reflection 4

This weeks reflection is about our expectations of things and how we see them afterward. Lately, I started to think more about the living in South Korea and how would it be if I moved there. While I was having these thoughts I remembered that I actually had them before. It was I believe sometime around the third class of gymnasium and I was really obsessed over the idea of living in England, more specifically in London. When I finally went there I realized it wasn't really what I imagined it would look like. That's why now I started to think if it is always like that and if so how to stop that frustration.  I came to the conclusion that maybe obsessing over some stuff isn't always the best idea. We should always look at the good and bad sides of the things and try to keep it real. Overexaggeration comes with obsession and it only makes us more disappointment and leaves us with bad testes in the mouth.