Reflection 5

The recent reflection came to my mind was while I was watching a video about how Victorians and Edwardians edited their photographs to have a tiny waist. For me, it was very interesting to see that even back then for people it was really important to be fashionable or fit into the beauty standards. What's more, that way of thinking hasn't really changed. People are still trying to set impossible to follow trends that only make normal people feel ugly and unattractive. Most women feel insecure about their body and appearance because they don't look like celebrities or famous people with a ton of plastic surgeries. This only causes teenagers and also grown-ups to fallow those unhealthy diets based on staring yourself. All of that only to fit in and look like a model on the cover of the magazine which was probably edited 100 times just like those photographs in the 19th century.


  1. I wonder whether those 19th century standards applied to women only or to men as well.


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