Live-shoot series- K-drama system

The live-shoot system usually looks like that on the beginning only two first episodes are being filmed and after drama being aired they continue to shoot the rest of series. Normally one episode is about 60-70 minutes long and it’s aired two times per week. But why people use this system since sometimes filming and editing may also take place at the same day as airing(even few minutes before the airing!) and it’s really risky? Well, sometimes it takes time for production team to get a confirmation of airing time slot and they don’t want to take a risk of not being able to recover production costs. Another disadvantage of this system is that it leads to harsh working conditions, for example actors due to not organized filming schedules or last minute script changes. However, you can find some benefits from this live shoot system since Korean viewers like to give a feedback on the dramas. Knowing what viewers think, script writers can re-work the plot and increase drama’s ratings.  Although, recently the trend for pre-produced dramas started growing and becoming more common for well-known production companies.

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(2 first posters are from pre-produced dramas, the last one is an example of th live shoot drama)

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Additionally :)
What's interesting in this drama above the main character is actually the script writer for live-shoot dramas. In this series you can see really well how it's stressful for everyone, especially for writers since they have to change the plot all the time,  based on the viewership rating and viewers opinions.



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