Reflection 6

I recently watched a really interesting video about personalities and in fact about who we really are. But what surprised me the most was what the psychologist said and the very end of the clip. There is something called Free Traits theory according to which for example introverts can and do act out of the character basically just to fit in. Sometimes this action is very crucial to our life projects which every human being has. It can be our profession or other kinds of stuff but in order to fulfill them, we have to act. I think it's very sad that sometimes those situations cause introverts to act protractedly out of character. The society and their current situation force them to keep acting in a specific way and it only leads them to not taking care of themselves. As a result of that, they can't really be themselves and they can't really know their true self. I think it's really tragic that they can't actually do anything about that.


  1. You see this in many areas of social life. E.g. the system of education is designed for people who can control their emotions, think logically, are relatively submissive and responsive to authority. And able to sit still for long periods of time. Where is room for creative, original, hyperactive individuals?


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