Reflection 4

This weeks reflection is about our expectations of things and how we see them afterward. Lately, I started to think more about the living in South Korea and how would it be if I moved there. While I was having these thoughts I remembered that I actually had them before. It was I believe sometime around the third class of gymnasium and I was really obsessed over the idea of living in England, more specifically in London. When I finally went there I realized it wasn't really what I imagined it would look like. That's why now I started to think if it is always like that and if so how to stop that frustration.  I came to the conclusion that maybe obsessing over some stuff isn't always the best idea. We should always look at the good and bad sides of the things and try to keep it real. Overexaggeration comes with obsession and it only makes us more disappointment and leaves us with bad testes in the mouth.


  1. Your observations go hand in hand with the TED talk we watched last week, don't they? We always assume that life is better somewhere else.


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