Reflection 3

The recent thought that came to my mind was that there are so much more tourists and generally foreigners in Warsaw. The situation that only confirmed my opinion was when I saw quite a number of  Spanish young people in the tram in Białołęka district. It was so surprising for me because there is clearly nothing interesting in this district, nothing really to sightsee. Which leads to the main thought that people are really coming here from whole around the world to see Poland, to get to know our culture. I find it really interesting, and it kind of makes me happy, that Warsaw is opening so much for the foreigners and that people genuinely want to come here. It always hits me when I see tourists wandering around the streets of the city center, admiring our capital city when they probably could have chosen any other western country, such as France or Spain.


  1. I wonder who these young Spaniards were. I would put my bet on Erasmus students - there are quite a lot of them in Poland.

  2. Funny thing- in Poland somehow i see a lot of spanish, russian, german and chinese tourists. But even our city started to develop for foreigner tourists it’s amazing!


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