
Terrible lost for f(x)

This week I read an article about Sulli, a former member of Korean girls band called f(x), that was found dead in her apartment. As a member of the very successful band, she also had to face many challenges such as online bullying. Police said that Sulli also had been experiencing severe depression which is not uncommon in the k-pop industry. Many idols took this radical decision to end their lives for reasons that are connected with being a member of the band. Idols are constantly under the pressure of their agencies and their fans. They are always being watched and judged. I admire those people who decided to choose this path because it requires a lot of mental and physical strength.

New health campaign

This week I read an article about a new campaign in Australia. The main idea behind this is to put warnings on individual cigarettes to help smokers quit. Studies have shown that strategies such as "minutes of life lost" has been roughly twice more effective than putting warnings on the package. I think that this campaign is a very good idea because a smoker can see an effect that said cigarette has on his life. Graphic images that are seen on the packages of cigarettes don't have the same impact on smokers when they see them all the time. However, when you see the minutes of your life being burned it must have some kind of effect on you.

Saint Mark's Basilica, Venice

This week's video is about Saint Mark's Basilica in Venice. The Church is Byzantine in style and it's begun in 1603 by replacing two smaller shrines. The Venetians really wanted it to remind Byzantine architecture and to be specific the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople. What's very specific about this building is the dome, with the windows at its base which creates the feeling that it's levitating.  The walls inside the church are covered in golden mosaic and they're dated from different time periods. shrine We went to visit traditional Japanese Shinto shrine. interior The interior of this castle is very decorative. to dissolve You can dissolve sugar in warm water.

Bernini Apollo and Daphne

In this week's video, we can see one of Bernini's sculpture called "Apollo and Daphne".  In baroque, people were interested in instability in contrast to the previous era. The arcs of the body are very visible, there is this sense of motion and disorder and in opposition to that, we have stability which was the most important in Renaissance. Bernini shows the very moment when Apollo catches Daphne and she starts to turn into a laurel tree. The viewer can observe how her hands transform into branches and leaves and her legs turn into a bark. mischief I stopped my sister form getting into mischief. lead We were very careful not to knock over my parents old lead statue of Cherub. flee He had to flee from the police, this time to Spain, where he hopefully won't be found.

Sleeping Beauty

This week's video was about a series of the painting painted by Burne Jones.  The artist was trying to bring back poetry into modern life and he was doing that by visual.  The series was all about looking back to medieval and concentrating on details and decorations. All paintings all full of decorative patterning. The person looking at those pictures can even see the reflections of the sleeping figures visible in the tile work. What is also really interesting about this series is that it doesn't show the moment of the kiss, we can't see the action unfolding- everything remains frozen. malevolence With the expression of malevolence visible on his face, he broke up with me. slumber I fell asleep into a deep slumber after our long trip to the beach. cape I was utterly surprised when I saw my friend wearing a superhero cape at the Halloween party.

Liberty Leading the People

This week's video is about "Liberty Leading the People" painted by Delacroix. What I found really interesting about this painting is the way that it was painted. Artist puts forward the violence of revolution in an unidealized way. Also, the technic that he used was very different from what was considered to be a standard in the Academy. The scene seems to be very energetic because of the loose brushwork, brilliant colours and because of the sense of the openness of contours. strides  She quickly crossed the room in a couple of strides. throng  She pushed her way to the bus stop through the throng. satchel She carried a satchel full of heavy books.

Bernini, Pluto and Proserpina

This week's video is about the sculpture made by Bernini showing two figures Pluto and Proserpina. It is visibly a reference to a Greek and Rome mythology showing the scene of Pluto kidnapping the daughter of Ceres. What truly hits me is the contrast in expressions of both figures. We can see Pluto wearing a grin and terrified Proserpine who is ready to run away from her kidnapper. Another thing worth mentioning is obviously how the artist demonstrates the elasticity of flesh in this marble. chisel You have to be very careful while using the chisel if you want to be as good as ancient sculptures. corkscrew I showed my friend how to use correctly a corkscrew. diagonal My friend was diagonal to me, so I was easily able to pass her a ball.