
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2019

Bernini, Pluto and Proserpina

This week's video is about the sculpture made by Bernini showing two figures Pluto and Proserpina. It is visibly a reference to a Greek and Rome mythology showing the scene of Pluto kidnapping the daughter of Ceres. What truly hits me is the contrast in expressions of both figures. We can see Pluto wearing a grin and terrified Proserpine who is ready to run away from her kidnapper. Another thing worth mentioning is obviously how the artist demonstrates the elasticity of flesh in this marble. chisel You have to be very careful while using the chisel if you want to be as good as ancient sculptures. corkscrew I showed my friend how to use correctly a corkscrew. diagonal My friend was diagonal to me, so I was easily able to pass her a ball.

Theotokos, Hagia Sofia

The video was about the mosaic of the Virgin Mary and the small Christ. What is unusual about this piece of art is, in fact, the message it holds behind. This mosaic was created right after the time of the iconoclasm came to an end. During this period almost all of the pictures showing saints, Christ or Mary were destroyed in the City of Constantinopole as the Emporer forbade the use of them in Church. The reason behind this radical decision was the fear that people were, in fact, worshipping the images themselves not necessarily figures they were presenting. virtually The hurricane destroyed virtually all buildings in this area. venerating The emperor was afraid that people were, in fact, venerating the pictures instead of figures showed on them. commadment There was no doubt that he broke the commadment.

Michaelangelo, David

What I found really interesting about this video about David is how significant this sculpture was for Florence. The figure of this young came to be aligned with the story of this city, how it despite being so small in comparison to others manage to fight thru. Another surprising thing about this sculpture is in fact how beautiful and accurate it is. As said in the video Michaelangelo manage to somehow show the moment when David just saw his enemy for the first time and his muscles haven't tensed yet ready to fight.   potent The poison he was killed by was potent. conveyance Conveyance of citizens of Warsaw is really easy with the subway system. swivel My friend swivelled around in his sit to ask me what was the homework for today's classes.

Süleymaniye Mosque- video 4

What I found really interesting in this video about Sinan is the fact that sultan actually didn't build it early in his career as most of the rulers did but almost 36 years well into his reign. I also truly admire the beauty of this structure and how compared to Hagia Sofia it looks so delicate almost heaven-like which I assume was the main purpose of this building, to show people the greatness of the Sultan and God. grandeur She truly admired the grandeur of that Gothic building. mosque Sultan walked with his servants all the way through the city to the mosque. oculus We stared at the oculus that lets the light into the building creating a mysterious atmosphere.  

Dome of the Cathedral of Florence- video 3

The video generally was about the dome of the Cathedral of Florence which was planned by the Brunelleschi in the 14th century. Until the St. Peter's it was the highest dome that has ever been raised. The most interesting thing that I learned from this video was the fact that after the ancient times when the Pantheon was built people kind of lost that technology until Brunelleschi who did this amazing engineering work and created this dome without wooden centring. lumber We could hear someone lumbering across the hall late last night.  exert She had to exert herself in order to make her dreams come true and become a doctor. girdle The waist of the model was defined by a fashionable leather girdle. 

Hovenden's "The last moments of John Brown- video 2

The video that I've watched was about Hovenden's painting called "The last moments of John Brown".  For me, one of the most interesting things in the video was simply the figure of John Brown. How he tried to fight slavery using also very violence methods and how his actions divided people in America. I was very surprised by the fact that after his execution he had been heroized by Northern press during the Civil War. However, when we get to times of the First World War historians tend to look at the John Brown in the very negative light. martyr People were debating in America whether John Brown was a martyr or a murder. incite The opponents of the current government conspired to incite the riot. abolitionist The abolitionist movement tried to end slavery.