Reflection 8

Recently I found a very surprising TedTalk which in a title had a name of famous Korean band BTS. As a fan, of course, I had to watch it, but what surprised me was what it was really about. The speaker was mainly talking about local media relevance. But I started thinking that being relevant should apply to all kind of media. I think that nowadays it's becoming less common for TV stations and other news sources to show serious issues that are important for many people. However, considering what the journalist said in his speech, that the media wants us to let them know what we're interested in, what's newsworthy for us, maybe it's worth trying.  I'm not quite sure whether this method could be used in  Poland, because we only have, for example, tv stations that air for a whole country. That's why it would be hard for jurnalist to go through all of the news from viewers. But on the other hand, it's their job. they should provide us with the news that we're seeking and not something that's unworthy and totally not important for our community.


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