
Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2018

Reflection 3

The recent thought that came to my mind was that there are so much more tourists and generally foreigners in Warsaw. The situation that only confirmed my opinion was when I saw quite a number of  Spanish young people in the tram in Białołęka district. It was so surprising for me because there is clearly nothing interesting in this district, nothing really to sightsee. Which leads to the main thought that people are really coming here from whole around the world to see Poland, to get to know our culture. I find it really interesting, and it kind of makes me happy, that Warsaw is opening so much for the foreigners and that people genuinely want to come here. It always hits me when I see tourists wandering around the streets of the city center, admiring our capital city when they probably could have chosen any other western country, such as France or Spain.

Reflection 2

The recent reflection that came to my mind was actually during geography class when we were looking at the map of the Kielce at its surroundings and the girls at my group weren't sure whether the cave was in Kielce or in some village next to it. And then I just remembered that I was actually in that cave so I could resolve their doubts. The thought that came to my mind, later on, was that travel truly broadens your mind. It's just so much easier to make connections and figure out things when you were somewhere and just remembered how it was.

Reflection 1

 I was out with my friend in the shopping mall. One thing led to another and we soon ended up in a Carrefour buying drinks, to be exact I was craving some floured milk so I've spent quite some time in front of the fridge choosing one. Later on, when I came back home I decided to chill and watch some videos on YouTube. Much to my surprise, the first ad that I saw was, of course, the ad of the milk that I've just bought. Frankly, it wasn't the first time it happened to me (previously it was about the soap that I bought). So the reflection that came to my mind after that was that we're constantly being watched. I wouldn't have thought that I can't even go to the shop without giving any kind of trace on the internet. It gives me chills that all of that information is probably being saved in some data to be later on used to convince me to buy something. I think it's just insane what people would do know about the needs of their potential customers.