
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018

What does it mean to be a real man in today's world?

I think in our times it's a bit confusing for even a man to define what does it mean to be a "real man". And for me being a woman it's even harder to describe it and I can only guess. However, in my opinion, being a real man is, in fact, being your true self. Accepting your weaknesses and knowing your strengths. Of course, there are some popular believes that men should be self-confident, strong, successful, shouldn't be afraid to stand up for what they believe, yet I think that those characteristics don't only apply only for men, but also for women.  To sum it up, I believe that the key to being a real man/ real human is just to be yourself and be kind to others.

Would you like to spend a week in Mandarian Oriental and why?

Yes, I would really like to spend a week in such a luxury hotel just to try to live the high life of the wealthy people. It must be really nice to know that you have staff members 24 hours a day upon request.  However, I feel like I could spend that amount of money, that I would pay for my visit there, in the better way. But, considering that someone else would pay for me, I would gladly enjoy my stay there.I would definitely try out everything that they have in their offer and I bet that I would remember this experience for the rest of my life.

Is the fact that things last much shorter nowadays really so bad ?

Unfortunately, considering the state of our planet, the fact that nowadays things last much shorter is really unacceptable. I think that the main cause of overconsumption is definitely the quality of items and the fact that they're disposable. These only lead to filling the landfills with garbage that will take hundreds of years to decompose. All in all, I truly believe that it's an important issue since it threatens our environment and it's time for us to take some actions to change that.