
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2019

Should guns be legalized in Poland?

I truly believe that guns should not be legalized in Poland. I see no point in doing that taking under consideration fact that we have never had any kind of shooting in any of the schools and unfortunately in the United States they had. I think that would only cause more harm than do any good knowing that most mass shootings in the US come from legally purchased firearms. I believe that if guns would become legal in Poland people would all of sudden start buying them only because they would feel like they're in danger and they need to because other people do that.    Another important thing worth taking into account is that at least in the US when someone wants to buy a gun the law doesn't require any background check on that person. I think that if Poland would do the same thing it would be very unsafe. The sellers wouldn't know whether the individual isn't for example mentally ill.

"American Kabuki"- video 1

The video that I've watched was about the painting "American Kabuki" by Masami Teraoka. The main topic of the discussion is a Japanese screen. What I found interesting about this piece of art was that this kind of paintings (or generally woodblock prints) were very characteristic for the Edo period. However, this one was actually made in 1986, right when the AIDS pandemic was at its heights. Since this topic was very close to a heart to Teraoka he decided to create this screen. I personally found this quite amazing that he somehow managed to mix both American and Japanese culture in such a charming way. confide in sb We've been friends for a while now, but I don't know if I can confide in him.  all walks of life At my drawing course, you could find people from all walks of life. nebulous Everyone listening to her came to the conclusion that her reasoning was nebulous.