
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2018

Why do people belive in supernatural things if they have science?

It's one of the most natural things in human nature to believe in supernatural beings. During centuries people hardwired to seek out explanations for phenomena that they didn't understand. That's why they came up with the idea of gods and others. It's pretty much the same with us. Even though we have science that can explain many of our doubts, it's still easier for people to believe in supernatural things. This way we don't have to try to understand the cause of what happened, we just assume this is the way it should be.

Who or what is to blame for obesity in today's world?

In today's world obesity is a really serious and common health threat.  In my opinion, the one to blame for this is definitely the government.  Firstly, the government should make better efforts to persuade people to make healthier food choices. It's in their business to care about the future well-being of their people. That's why I think that they should try to make people more aware of what they're eating by providing more information. All in all, I do really believe that it's in individuals hand to decide what they're eating. However, sometimes it's really hard for us to protect ourselves from increasing soda and sugar amounts in food, that unfortunately, we aren't aware of.

Should humans try to colonise space?

Colonising space has many benefits. One of them is that it might help us with resources. Unfortunately, Earth has a limited amount of them so in the future we might drain them. That's why it's crucial for us to find alternatives in case of such a scenario. Other advantages of colonising space are new methods of gardening, processing and storing food that will help to colonize and they will be cheap enough to use them on other planets (also on the Earth). All in all, colonization space is necessary for us to improve our technology and to prevent future difficulties.